What could be a better suprise than your mother coming to visit..nothing! Apparently Mark and Mom had been talking and decided to not to let me in on the suprise of her visit. A friend of Moms from Borger, her son had a basketball camp to attend here in Norman this weekend so mom just hitched a ride up. It was crazy when I opened the front door and there she was.
Will talks to my mom, MooMa as we call her, almost daily. So it was nice for him to get to play with her and he did. It was a nice break from him running through the house screaming Momma to him running through the house screaming MooMa. The most interesting part was when I opend a Diet Coke today (eww I know but Mom left it and I was thirsty) and he pointed at it and said MooMa. Mom only drank 2 while he was here and some how that was something he picked up on. He is so smart. Thanks Mark, Love you Mom.
This was about 2 seconds after she walked in the door, he just knows who she is!

Baseball in the front yard...Thanks Erica!!

He loved helping her take pictures more than getting his taken.