Saturday, July 31, 2010

Top Hyde Baby Names

In honor of Coopers due date, we (Mark) thought we should share the top ten names we (Candice) vetoed.

Honorable Mentions
5. Offs Hyde
4. Lakes Hyde
3. Pools Hyde
2. Broads Hyde
1. Fars Hyde

Top Ten
10. Jennas Hyde
9. Insectas Hyde
8. Formalda Hyde
7. Outs Hyde
6. Curbs Hyde
5. Algas Hyde
4. Perox Hyde
3. Raw Hyde
2. Ups Hyde
And wait for it.....NUMBER #1
Ryder Hyde - He actually wanted to use this!

As I am typing this he is still coming up with more. This is just beyond fun for him! I am thrilled to say none of these will be used. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Candice this is hilarious! I hope you are feeling well, can't wait to see you!