Thursday, January 20, 2011

My Sister comes Tomorrow

Yep thats right, my sister comes tomorrow. I am so excited and so is Will. We needed to go to Sams tonight, well I asked Will if he wanted to go to Sams with me or stay home. He chose to go, when we got in the car he wanted a movie since we were going to MooMa's. I let him know we were going to Sams not to see Sam, he said ok and I parked. As we were getting out he asked, "so Sam will meet us here?", no Will she won't she will be here tomorrow. But this is Sams, yes it is Sams but its not Aunt Sams. I tried to explain how Sams but just a name and it was just like Target. He disagreed because at Target you get popcorn. At this point I cut my losses and started talking about what juice we should get. So needless to say he is excited to see Sam and so am I. Drive safely sister.

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